Anglican Mission
Anglicanism is far richer than any other single Christian tradition but isn’t a church unto itself. The Anglican Communion is a family of churches in 165 countries with over 85 million members. There are many reasons to affiliate with the Anglican church. Here are just a few theological and practical ones.
First and foremost, the Anglican church is gospel-centered. There is not one aspect of the human experience that the gospel does not touch, and Anglican spirituality embraces this reality. It seeks to apply the gospel to all areas of human experience forming our bodies, our minds, and our senses as we stand, kneel, speak, hear, taste, touch, smell, and sing.
Secondly, the Anglican Christian faith is Scripturally and historically bound. Anglicanism keeps Scriptural primacy, yet embraces what can be affirmed throughout history, rooting the Church in the Creeds and in the Apostolic faith.
Thirdly, Anglican worship is structured around the distinct understanding that the mission of the Church is to be what it is, the body of Christ. The entire arc of the liturgy is rooted in the people of God as gathered and commissioned people, who are set apart for the sake of the world.
Fourthly, the Anglican church has structured worship to create routines, rituals and rhythms to enter into the gospel story. These rituals and rhythms shape us both on the cognitive level and the non-cognitive level, ultimately calibrating our hearts to be pointed towards God’s kingdom. Liturgical worship can become the framework for discipleship. There is no discernable gap between what one does on Sunday or during the rest of the week.
Finally, Anglican liturgical heritage offers an enduring form of transformative worship. Our worship creates a stable form of worship that connects us with Christians around the world. It roots us in forms of worship that have been celebrated for centuries, and its entire shape is gospel-centered and Biblically grounded. The Church is fundamentally a worshiping community. Through Anglican worship, the church is thoroughly centered and rooted in the gospel.